PalPrime Number also known as Palindromic Prime Number
If a number is simultaneously palindromic and prime then it is said to be a PalPrime Number.
Example: Number 313, 353 etc are PalPrime number.
Algorithm and Program below :-
The video link of this program is provided at the end of this post.
Get the number to check for PalPrime Number
Hold the number in temporary variable
Using loop find if it is prime or not.
Check if the number is Palindrome or not.
If the number is both prime and palindrome print "PalPrime Number"
If not print "Not a PalPrime Number"
PROGRAM below :-
import*; import java.util.*; class PalPrime { public static void main(String args[]) { Scanner in= new Scanner(; int n,p,rev,s=0,i,c=0; System.out.println("Enter No."); n= in.nextInt(); // Input number from user p=n; // store the entered number in "p" variable for(i=1;i<=p;i++) { if(p%i==0) { c++; } } while(n>0) { rev=n%10; // extract last digit of the number s=s*10+rev; // store the digit last digit n=n/10; // extract all digit except the last } if(p==s&&c==2) // comparing with original number { System.out.println("Number is PalPrime : "+p); } else { System.out.println("Number is not PalPrime : "+p); } } // end of main method } // end of class
Note : The program is written in the easiest way possible so try understand it. If you face any problem in understanding this program than feel free to contact/comment.
All the best :)
Keep Learning :)
Watch this Program Video :