Special Number
Special Number : A number is said to be Special Number if the sum of factorial of its digits is equal to the number itself.
Example : 145 is a Special Number.
Sum of factorial of digits : 1! + 4!+ 5! = 1 + 24 + 120 = 145
Input : 145
Output : It is a Special Number
Input : 220
Output : It is not a Special Number
Algorithm and Program given below :-
Algorithm :-
Input a number
Store it in another variable
Now using while loop extract last digit of the number
Than by using for loop store the factorial of the digit
Than in another variable store the sum of factorial
initialize sum variable =1 again
update the value of number by storing it without its last digit
After the condition satifies completely
Compare the original number with the sum of factorial of digits
If both are equal than display "It is a special number"
Else display "It is not a special number
Program :-
import java.io.*; import java.util.*; class Special { public static void main(String args[]) { Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); int n,p,i,num,sum=1,s=0; System.out.println("Enter Number "); n= in.nextInt(); //Input Number p=n; // Storing the input number while(n>0) { num=n%10; // extracting last digit of the number for(i=num;i>=1;i--) { sum=sum*i; //storing factorial of the extracted digit } s= s+sum; // storing the sum of factorials sum=1; //again initializing sum=1 n=n/10; // updating value of the number by storing it without its last digit. } if(s==p)// comparing sum of factorial with original number { System.out.println("It is a Special Number : "+p); } else { System.out.println("It is not a Special Number : "+p); } } // end of main method } // end of class
Note : The program is written in the easiest way possible so try to understand it. If you face any problem in understanding this program than feel free to contact/comment.
Source Code : Click here
Program Video : Watch now
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